29 Photos: Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Summer House, Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Elton Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire and the parterre
29 Photos: Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire and gardens
29 Photos: The bay windows, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The north side of the Inner Courtyard, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The north side of the Inner Courtyard, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The archway, the inner courtyard, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Porch, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The bay windows, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Grand Staircase, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Bedchamber, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Great Chamber, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The ruins of the Long Gallery, Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The South Front, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The South Front, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The House from the West, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Main Hall, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Winter Parlour, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Staircase from the Long Gallery, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Library, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Kitchen, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: The Grren Court, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
29 Photos: St Mary's Church from the Gardens, Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire