HerperGarrett: Bothriechis lateralis [ Side-striped palm-pitviper]
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis lateralis [ Side-striped palm-pitviper]
HerperGarrett: Espadarana prosoblepon [Emerald Glass frog]
HerperGarrett: Pristimantis cruentus [Chiriqui robber frog]
HerperGarrett: Anolis woodi [Blue-Eyed anole]
HerperGarrett: Uknown mygalorph
HerperGarrett: A large ogre-faced/net-casting spider hanging from the canopy wrapping an egg sac
HerperGarrett: A large ogre-faced/net-casting spider hanging from the canopy wrapping an egg sac
HerperGarrett: Cerrophidion sasai [Montane viper]
HerperGarrett: Cerrophidion sasai [Montane viper]
HerperGarrett: Cerrophidion sasai [Montane viper]
HerperGarrett: Choeradodis... rhombicollis?
HerperGarrett: Choeradodis... rhombicollis?
HerperGarrett: Ptychohyla legleri [Legler's Stream frog]
HerperGarrett: Anolis aquaticus [Aquatic anole]
HerperGarrett: Atelopus varius [Costa Rican variable harlequin toad]
HerperGarrett: Atelopus varius [Costa Rican variable harlequin toad]
HerperGarrett: Atelopus varius [Costa Rican variable harlequin toad]
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis supraciliaris [Blotched Palm-Pit viper
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis supraciliaris [Blotched Palm-Pit viper]
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis supraciliaris [Blotched Palm-Pit viper]
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis supraciliaris [Blotched Palm-Pit viper]
HerperGarrett: Anolis capito
HerperGarrett: Pristimantis cruentus [Chiriqui robber frog], male
HerperGarrett: Pristimantis cruentus [Chiriqui robber frog], female
HerperGarrett: Pristimantis cruentus [Chiriqui robber frog], female
HerperGarrett: Smilisca phaeota [Masked Tree frog]
HerperGarrett: Bothriechis nigroadspersus
HerperGarrett: Isthmohyla rivularis
HerperGarrett: Geophis talamancae