HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus mimicus [Mimic Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus mimicus [Mimic Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus ventralis [Eastern Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus attenuatus [Slender Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus attenuatus [Slender Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus compressus [Island Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Hatchling Ophisaurus ventralis [Eastern Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Sceloporus undulatus [Eastern Fence Lizard], male
HerperGarrett: Plestiodon fasciatus [Five Lined Skink]
HerperGarrett: Plestiodon laticeps [Broad Headed Skink]
HerperGarrett: I miss these guys. Coleonyx variegatus [Western Banded Gecko]
HerperGarrett: Plestiodon fasciatus [Five Lined Skink], in-situ
HerperGarrett: Phrynosoma modestum? [Round Tailed Horned Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Plestiodon obsoletus [Great Plains Skink] on eggs
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus compressus [Island Glass Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Hind "leg" of Plestiodon [Neoseps] reynoldsi [Sand skink], showing its highly reduced nature. The front legs fold into grooves to reduce drag within sand.
HerperGarrett: Sceloporus woodi [Fence Lizard], a protected species, found in a burrow entrance.
HerperGarrett: Six-Linned Racerunner. [Aspidoscelis sexlineata]
HerperGarrett: Caracara cheriway predation
HerperGarrett: Caracara cheriway [Crested Caracara] stalking
HerperGarrett: Phrynosoma solare [Regal Horned Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Phrynosoma solare [Regal Horned Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Phrynosoma solare [Regal Horned Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Western Banded gecko [Coleonyx variegatus]
HerperGarrett: Coleonyx variegatus
HerperGarrett: Phrynosoma solare [Regal Horned Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Elgaria kingii [Madrean Alligator Lizard]
HerperGarrett: Veiled Chameleon [Chamaeleo calyptratus]
HerperGarrett: Veiled chameleon [Chamaeleo calyptratus]
HerperGarrett: Ophisaurus attenuatus longicaudus [Eastern Slender Glass lizard]