HerperGarrett: Marbled Salamander [Ambystoma opacum]
HerperGarrett: Ambystoma talpoideum [Mole Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Pseudotriton ruber vioscai [Southern Red Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Necturus cf. beyeri [Gulf Coast Waterdog]
HerperGarrett: Pseudotriton ruber vioscai [Southern Red Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Siren intermedia complex [Eastern Lesser Siren]
HerperGarrett: Pseudotriton ruber vioscai [Southern Red Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Pseudotriton ruber vioscai [Southern Red Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Marbled Salamander [Ambystoma opacum]
HerperGarrett: Marbled Salamander [Ambystoma opacum]
HerperGarrett: Eurycea cirrigera [Southern Two-Lined Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Marbled Salamander [Ambystoma opacum]
HerperGarrett: Pseudacris ornata [Ornate Chorus]
HerperGarrett: Hyla gratiosa metamorph [Barking Treefrog]
HerperGarrett: 12010635_10104357376369671_1880010034583833270_o
HerperGarrett: Hyla gratiosa [Barking Tree frog]
HerperGarrett: Blue Ridge Two-Lined [Eurycea wilderae]
HerperGarrett: Florida chorus frog ("lifer") [Pseudacris nigrita verrucosa] found chorusing from and around solution holes in pine rockland habitat in Miami-Dade after heavy storms. Rocklands are some of the most endagered habitats in the world.
HerperGarrett: Cryptobranchus habitat; Fast flowing,highly clean cold water (read: highly oxygenated) with large flat rocks and rock bottom with minimum mud/sediment. These criteria are being met less and less in creek systems due to industrialization and run off from
HerperGarrett: Oak Toad [Anaxyrus quercicus], the smallest bufonid in N. America
HerperGarrett: Plethodon montanus (Northern Gray-cheeked Salamander)
HerperGarrett: A juvenile Eastern Hellbender [Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis]
HerperGarrett: Yonahlossee salamander [Plethodon yonahlossee]
HerperGarrett: Desmognathus orestes [Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Eastern Hellbender [Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis]
HerperGarrett: Florida chorus frog [Pseudacris nigrita verrucosa]
HerperGarrett: Hyla gratiosa [Barking Tree Frogs], amplexing
HerperGarrett: Desmognathus orestes [Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Eurycea guttolineata [Three Lined Salamander]
HerperGarrett: Hyla squirella [Squirell Tree Frog]