Axonsolar: Radar Tower at Coalhouse Point..
Axonsolar: Anti - Invasion Pillbox..
Axonsolar: Sliding slowly down..
Axonsolar: Anti - Invasion Pillbox..
Axonsolar: Interior of Pillbox at Coalhouse Point..
Axonsolar: Same line of tank traps..
Axonsolar: Construction details of Cylinder tank traps at Dagenham East..
Axonsolar: Pillbox Dagenham East. Beam River.
Axonsolar: Pillbox at the end of the defence line A by the river Beam..
Axonsolar: Bunker Entrance..
Axonsolar: Slowly Rusting Away..
Axonsolar: Reavell and Co. Ltd..
Axonsolar: Structure..built to last..
Axonsolar: The Forge..