celestial8068: The daunting clouds
celestial8068: Last minute run-throughs
celestial8068: Nancy and Bree
celestial8068: These guys don't get it.
celestial8068: Practicing formations
celestial8068: Pyramid
celestial8068: We <3 cow.
celestial8068: Chikin?
celestial8068: IMG_4813
celestial8068: IMG_4816
celestial8068: IMG_4820
celestial8068: IMG_4823
celestial8068: Columbia Tailgating
celestial8068: Some dining entertainment
celestial8068: Performing at for the Alums
celestial8068: Flutes at Alumni Tent
celestial8068: Clarinets at Alumni Tent
celestial8068: Hey Devon!
celestial8068: Amanda's instrument
celestial8068: Take the field
celestial8068: Scrambling
celestial8068: The frown
celestial8068: O fearless leaders
celestial8068: Halftime
celestial8068: Lined up on the field
celestial8068: Clarinets
celestial8068: Chillin' on the 50 yard line