sameold2010: Video of Horse and Carriages Lined up on Sixth Stree between Chestnut and Market
sameold2010: Some of the Horse and Carriages on 6th Steet Along Independence Hall
sameold2010: Horse and Carriage on 6th Street Next to Independence Hall
sameold2010: Some of the Carriage Operators on 6th Street Next to Independence Hall
sameold2010: Horse and Carriage on Arch Street
sameold2010: Horse Drawn Carriage
sameold2010: Horse Drawn Carriage on 6th Between Chestnut and Market
sameold2010: IMG_0685
sameold2010: Entrance to the Heights of Collingswood
sameold2010: Carriage Drawn By a Black Horse
sameold2010: Horse Drawn Carriage Being Pulled up Chestnut Street, I Believe
sameold2010: Horse Pulling a Carriage in Philadelphia
sameold2010: Bridled Horse
sameold2010: Horse Waiting to be Fed a Carrot
sameold2010: Tree Growing in Newton Creek Park