juststopandlook: Not a care 100_7338
juststopandlook: Mom & the kids out for a walk 100_7469
juststopandlook: Pumpkinfest 100_8910
juststopandlook: Saugeen Sunset 100_0032cr
juststopandlook: Port Elgin Harbour
juststopandlook: A Boy & His Dog 100_3272
juststopandlook: Near Rail Trail 100_3858
juststopandlook: Lighthouse on Lake Huron
juststopandlook: Mr. (Surprised) Racoon IMG_0498
juststopandlook: On the beach
juststopandlook: End of day IMG_0726
juststopandlook: Lake Huron Sunset IMG_0939
juststopandlook: In the Bleak Mid-Winter
juststopandlook: Sunset IMG_3247[1]
juststopandlook: Blue Heron IMG_3860
juststopandlook: Grasses in the wind IMG_0108
juststopandlook: A Fall Walk IMG_0175cr
juststopandlook: The Mighty Saugeen IMG_0178
juststopandlook: Time to shovel the driveway! ! ! IMG_0955
juststopandlook: Wonderland IMG_0982cr
juststopandlook: Saugeen sunset IMG_1569
juststopandlook: A Regular sight! IMG_1579
juststopandlook: Mill Creek IMG_1689
juststopandlook: Leaves IMG_4239
juststopandlook: Time for supper! recent 081