naturepic08: maple splender
naturepic08: the beauty of autumn
naturepic08: mountain ash leaves
naturepic08: virgina creeper
naturepic08: Crab Apple
naturepic08: Japanese maple
naturepic08: Sunset Maple
naturepic08: crab apple fall
naturepic08: sunset maple
naturepic08: so peaceful
naturepic08: flicker
naturepic08: pine siskin
naturepic08: Pine siskin
naturepic08: Pine siskin
naturepic08: Still hanging on
naturepic08: fallen but still beautiful
naturepic08: fall color
naturepic08: rose hips
naturepic08: teasel seed heads
naturepic08: rose hips
naturepic08: falll color
naturepic08: snow berries