A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: An adventurous ... or is it foolish ... younger me sitting atop one of the extraordinary wave-sculpted rock formations called the Twelve Apostles at The Port Campbell National Park along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia, February 1970.
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: American traveler, The Twelve Apostles, Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia, February 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: American traveler, Nullarbor Plain, South Australia, 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Nola Farman, Parkerville, Western Australia, December 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Nola Farman with one of her pieces of sculpture, Perth, Western Australia, December 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Perth, Western Australia, February 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Perth, Western Australia, November 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Self-portrait in Rose Bay, Sydney, Australia, 1969
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Me in York, Western Australia, 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Hitchhiking through Australia. March 6, 1971. Me at the border of Queensland and the Northern Territory near Three Ways, Northern Territory.
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Me cruising on the Sydney Harbour ferry, 1971
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: American traveler, New South Wales, Australia, 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: I've finally found it ! ; Cobark, New South Wales, Australia, 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Portrait of a friend, Maylands, Perth, Western Australia, 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Portrait of an American friend, near Healsville, Victoria, Australia, February 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Random snapshot of the construction of the Sydney Opera House, Sydney, NSW, Australia, January 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Random snapshot of the construction of the Sydney Opera House, Sydney, NSW, Australia, January 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Portrait of my travelling companion near Sydney, Australia. January 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Me photographed by my traveling companion somewhere near Sydney, Australia, January 1970. It's an odd double exposure!
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Random snapshot of Sydney Harbour Bridge. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, January 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Random snapshot overlooking Rose Bay area in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia, January 1970
A CASUAL PHOTGRAPHER: Random snapshot of Sydney Harbour Bridge and part of the Sydney Opera House which is under construction, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, January 1970