Gricer1946: Amman Departure
Gricer1946: Past the Cemetery
Gricer1946: Crossing the Viaduct.
Gricer1946: Amman afternoon freight departure
Gricer1946: Freight departure from Amman
Gricer1946: Second shot of the freight
Gricer1946: Tunnel Exit
Gricer1946: Amman departure
Gricer1946: Climbing to Quasir
Gricer1946: Approaching the Tunnel
Gricer1946: Qasir um el-Heeran Arrival
Gricer1946: Qasir departure.
Gricer1946: Train time Jiza Station
Gricer1946: Awaiting departure from Jiza
Gricer1946: Through the desert.
Gricer1946: Through the Desert
Gricer1946: 82 Leaving Zerka on the return from Mafraq, October 1986
Gricer1946: Returning to Amman from Mafraq
Gricer1946: Greening the Desert