taralee2001: "Flossenburg Concentration Camp 1938-1945"
taralee2001: The Prisoner's Names
taralee2001: part of the laundry
taralee2001: the prisoner's shower
taralee2001: prisoner's kitchen
taralee2001: "It is the next generation, your generation, that have to know.
taralee2001: "I will go back home, I will give them a message of the things I saw here and felt here."
taralee2001: IMG_2465
taralee2001: laundry building
taralee2001: cemetary
taralee2001: cemetary
taralee2001: cemetary
taralee2001: the Jewish Memorial
taralee2001: Inside the Jewish Memorial
taralee2001: "Jesus in the Dungeon" chapel
taralee2001: looking over the Square of Nations and Pyramid of Ashes with the crematorium and guardtower in the background
taralee2001: Inside the chapel
taralee2001: Guard tower overlooking the crematorium
taralee2001: Square of Nations
taralee2001: IMG_2484
taralee2001: IMG_2486
taralee2001: Square of Nations
taralee2001: flowers left in memory of those who died here
taralee2001: In memory of the nearly 6000 Germans who died in the camp
taralee2001: In memory of the two unknown American pilots killed in the liberation of the camp
taralee2001: "These are the Ashes and Bones from Mass-Burnings"
taralee2001: Pryamid of Ashes
taralee2001: pyramid of ashes with crematorium in the background
taralee2001: mass shootings occured at the triangle here
taralee2001: Valley of Death Memorial