tina_6500: Feldhamster - 2018
tina_6500: Feldhamster auf Brautschau
tina_6500: Waiting...
tina_6500: Neugieriger Hamsti / Curious hammy
tina_6500: Du siehst mich nicht / You can't see me :)
tina_6500: Junger Feldhamster in Abendsonne / Young hamster in evening sun
tina_6500: So, who are you?
tina_6500: Ein hübscher Rücken kann auch entzücken / Nice back
tina_6500: Neugierig / Curious
tina_6500: Floppy Ear
tina_6500: Wut? / Is was?
tina_6500: Mr. Pirate / Piratenohr
tina_6500: Sitting up / Macht Männchen
tina_6500: In the evening hours...
tina_6500: Wild Hamster at the Cemetery
tina_6500: Young Hamster in the Evening Sun
tina_6500: Young hamster on the grass
tina_6500: Little plushie hiding in the grass
tina_6500: Little baby near the burrow entrance
tina_6500: During mating season: male hamster cleaning himself
tina_6500: Sitting in the evening sun looking grummy
tina_6500: Happy New Year 2019!