Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Hirschauer Bucht Restaurant - closed
Blue-Green-Eye: Hirschauer Bucht
Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Watchtower Hirschauer Bucht
Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Birdwatching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Blue tit - Blaumeise - Cyanistes caeruleus
Blue-Green-Eye: Blue tit - Blaumeise - Cyanistes caeruleus
Blue-Green-Eye: Another watchtower across the bay
Blue-Green-Eye: Great tit - Kohlmeise - Parus major
Blue-Green-Eye: Great tit - Kohlmeise - Parus major
Blue-Green-Eye: Gray day at Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Bird watching Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: Pied wagtail - Bachstelze - Motacilla alba
Blue-Green-Eye: Marsh Warbler - Sumpfrohrsänger - Acrocephalus palustris
Blue-Green-Eye: Reed bunting - Rohrammer - Emberiza Schoeniclus
Blue-Green-Eye: Red Robin - Rotkehlchen - Erythacus rubecula
Blue-Green-Eye: Grim day
Blue-Green-Eye: Chiemsee - view South
Blue-Green-Eye: Not much to see today
Blue-Green-Eye: Chiemsee
Blue-Green-Eye: A good day for the kitesurfers
Blue-Green-Eye: Chiemsee