Blue-Green-Eye: Frankfurt airport
Blue-Green-Eye: Meeting Tobias at Frankfurt airport
Blue-Green-Eye: Stopover in Panama City
Blue-Green-Eye: Hotel La Rosa de America, San Jose
Blue-Green-Eye: Getting the bags ready for our first day
Blue-Green-Eye: Tobias in front of his apartment
Blue-Green-Eye: Breakfast: Rice and beans (every day)
Blue-Green-Eye: Jo explaining the tour ahead
Blue-Green-Eye: Our guide Jo
Blue-Green-Eye: And we are off!
Blue-Green-Eye: Visiting a coffee plantation
Blue-Green-Eye: Jo explains how the plants retain water
Blue-Green-Eye: Joseph - all pale and European
Blue-Green-Eye: Inside the coffee shop
Blue-Green-Eye: Tobias enjoying his coffee
Blue-Green-Eye: Poas Volcano - crater lake
Blue-Green-Eye: Poas Volcano
Blue-Green-Eye: Poas Volcano panorama
Blue-Green-Eye: Walk on Poas Volcano
Blue-Green-Eye: Second crater: laguna Botos
Blue-Green-Eye: Costa Rica plants
Blue-Green-Eye: Costa Rica flora
Blue-Green-Eye: Joseph and Tobias on the walk
Blue-Green-Eye: lunch: rice and beans - and strawberry stuff
Blue-Green-Eye: strawberry dessert from Poas Volcano
Blue-Green-Eye: Waterfall on the way from Poas
Blue-Green-Eye: Tss...young people! :-)
Blue-Green-Eye: Another waterfall
Blue-Green-Eye: Jo and one of his many many desserts
Blue-Green-Eye: Costa Rica birds