susan mz fuller: A deal on paper towels is what makes me happy on Day 9. I'm sure you can figure out why. #100happydays #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: "Who are you calling messy?" asks Eben. #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: How could this *not* make me happy today?!? Day 11, #100happydays
susan mz fuller: Oh this puppy! #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: Miss Kit, who always finds her way into a clothes pile, makes for a happy day 37. #100happydays
susan mz fuller: The best ride home ever. Very very VERY happy Day 55! #100happydays #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: These two bring such a smile to my face and my heart today, walking off to college class together. Oak is definitely Big Man on Campus! Day 42, #100happydays #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: This dog, dressed up and doing tricks, makes me ridiculously happy! Day 43, #100happydays
susan mz fuller: A hound, a girl, and the lushness of Spring
susan mz fuller: Head to head, feet to feet - not much compares to puppy love. Eben and Oak. Day 49, #100happydays #guidingeyes
susan mz fuller: In honor of National Black Dog, it's sweet, crazy lovable Mercy, the first black dog to steal my heart. Day 42, #100happydays (here with baby Oak who's now twice Mercy's size)
susan mz fuller: Dinner time. Full house.
susan mz fuller: She mothers him, as if she's finally gotten what she wanted all along. Happy day 57, #100happydays
susan mz fuller: Some days you just need a few chew toys to get through school.
susan mz fuller: The hound will not be left out.
susan mz fuller: Long, leafy, muddy, rocky, wet but FUN hike with the pups this afternoon! Happy the Mister took the day off to join us. Day 65, #100happydays
susan mz fuller: Just another wild and crazy Monday, coming to a close. Hound says it's not over yet!
susan mz fuller: Why hello, Miss Kit
susan mz fuller: Everyone's celebrating!
susan mz fuller: Twiz is a big fan of Pinterest too.
susan mz fuller: Twizzler helps make the weekly menu - gonna be a lot of Brussels sprouts and carrots on the table this week!
susan mz fuller: Yep, it's a three quilt kind of night
susan mz fuller: Crystal Kitty
susan mz fuller: Sunday sun and a quilt
susan mz fuller: The hound watches the snow, from a quilt of course.
susan mz fuller: The perfect autumn afternoon
susan mz fuller: Leila Pup
susan mz fuller: Mr. and Mrs. Bunsington
susan mz fuller: Henna Pup
susan mz fuller: Twiz's Cast