alibubba: I heart my fiddy. (297/365)
alibubba: Fireside bliss. (298/365)
alibubba: Artificial tears. (299/365)
alibubba: Break.
alibubba: Domestic.
alibubba: Razzle Dazzle. (300/365)
alibubba: Alternate Razzle.
alibubba: I'm not running and I'm not scared. I am waiting and well prepared. (301/365)
alibubba: Every now and then you catch me humming your nudity under my heavy breath. (315/365)
alibubba: Red wine and ambien, you're talking shit again. (318/365)
alibubba: My faith is in the math.
alibubba: And then I said farewell to sun light, and set out to become what I became.
alibubba: Steady my breathing, silently screaming. (319/365)
alibubba: Out of the darkness. (320/365)
alibubba: hush (323/365)
alibubba: I still can't remember where or how I lost my way. (324/365)
alibubba: by the light of day (326/365)
alibubba: Gaia (327/365)
alibubba: If the hat makes the man, then how do you explain this? (328/365)
alibubba: Dream-weaver. (329/365)
alibubba: Dreamy
alibubba: Hemera (330/365)
alibubba: Each of us a cell of awareness, imperfect and incomplete. (331/365)
alibubba: Hats for Haiti (332/365)
alibubba: Though my window has a view, the frame I'm looking through seems to have no concern for now.
alibubba: Grouchmonster (334/365)