alibubba: What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not The Truth.
alibubba: goofball
alibubba: I'm a ticking time bomb, waiting to blow my top. No one would ever know, not until I blew up.
alibubba: Day 201 [I'll haunt your dreams.]
alibubba: one nine eight: topsy turvy
alibubba: 365 Day 215*
alibubba: Channeling Abe.
alibubba: Cock your hat - angles are attitudes. (283/365)
alibubba: The way to Red's heart. (308/365)
alibubba: New threads. (309/365)
alibubba: I'll teach my eyes to see beyond these walls in front of me. (317/365)
alibubba: Dreamy
alibubba: Viva la Fedora! (362/365)
alibubba: Casual flight. (364/365)
alibubba: Pain throws your heart to the ground. Love turns the whole thing around.
alibubba: Flash the Red
alibubba: Assassin
alibubba: Just Dance
alibubba: Don't play with me cause you're playing with fire.
alibubba: Starfish.
alibubba: Twenty Nine.
alibubba: One Hundred Seventeen.
alibubba: One Hundred Sixty Eight.
alibubba: One Hundred Eighty Four.
alibubba: Two Hundred Eighteen.
alibubba: Two Hundred Fifty Two.
alibubba: Two Hundred Sixty Eight.
alibubba: Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.
alibubba: Boy Wonder's Great Underwater Adventure.
alibubba: Just Joel.