jodie marie: pondering.
jodie marie: IMG_2257.JPG
jodie marie: ooookay. we're gonna just work around this stupid pipe.
jodie marie: P1040126.JPG
jodie marie: IMG_2264.JPG
jodie marie: P1040128.JPG
jodie marie: P1040130.JPG
jodie marie: archie is helping vaccum. check out that rooster wallpaper!
jodie marie: seriously you stupid pipe!
jodie marie: rotten section of acoustic ceiling tile
jodie marie: break time. standing on the cofee table is the best way to see tv.
jodie marie: ladders are irresistable to 3 yr old boys.
jodie marie: P1040132.JPG
jodie marie: first bash. that's ugly.
jodie marie: dry as a bone.
jodie marie: old boo boo.
jodie marie: weights discovered behind window trim.
jodie marie: photo(9).JPG
jodie marie: this stud is very porous and splintering off.
jodie marie: insulation and sheetrock.
jodie marie: what is going on? the younger boy more interested than the older.
jodie marie: sedimentary walls? layers formed over time.
jodie marie: wallpaper