dek0609: picture2
dek0609: calvin milking the goat
dek0609: calvin milking the goat
dek0609: mom feeding the calf
dek0609: this turkey is as big as me!
dek0609: me and calvin at feeding time
dek0609: pic73
dek0609: me in the back of grampa's camper
dek0609: chasing the geese
dek0609: calvin at our little farm
dek0609: me, calvin, and Rusty
dek0609: pic103
dek0609: pic11
dek0609: me and calvin at feeding time
dek0609: me and calvin at feeding time
dek0609: goats!
dek0609: goats!
dek0609: pic123
dek0609: man, big animals scare me.
dek0609: calvin and rusty
dek0609: winter in Racine
dek0609: pic153
dek0609: our little farm in Wichita Falls, TX
dek0609: pic162
dek0609: pic163
dek0609: calvin and rusty
dek0609: calvin and rusty
dek0609: ohh that bastard billy!
dek0609: the finest dead rats came out of this watering trough
dek0609: pic182