jessArdent: the back lawn
jessArdent: Grandma's larkspurs
jessArdent: L., steering
jessArdent: gig 'em!
jessArdent: hook 'em
jessArdent: Nadine, shaking a leg
jessArdent: Uncle Ray
jessArdent: Mom's victory dance
jessArdent: brothers
jessArdent: cousins, action shot
jessArdent: Lauren, action shot
jessArdent: Emily
jessArdent: the crowd, getting eggs
jessArdent: Aunt Linda!
jessArdent: father and son
jessArdent: L., holding still
jessArdent: good humor
jessArdent: Aunt Linda, handing out prizes
jessArdent: Jackson and the flower
jessArdent: T's double petunias
jessArdent: Mom, profile
jessArdent: Emily won the wine!
jessArdent: my grandparents!
jessArdent: Grandma, Kari, T. and chickens
jessArdent: at the table