neil mp: Sizewell, Suffolk
neil mp: Sizewell, Suffolk
neil mp: Sizewell, Suffolk
neil mp: Sizewell, Suffolk
neil mp: Sizewell, Suffolk
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: Lux Aeterna, Exaudi at Sizewell beach
neil mp: On the beach at Minsmere - south towards Sizewell
neil mp: On the beach at Minsmere, towards Sizewell
neil mp: Minsmere in March
neil mp: Reed reflections at Minsmere
neil mp: Another grey day at Minsmere
neil mp: Boardwalk across the dunes to Sizewell Beach
neil mp: Corny seaside shot, Sizewell Beach
neil mp: More from bucolic Suffolk, Sizewell A and B (shortly to be joined by C).
neil mp: A very friendly cock pheasant. It knows a thing or two, this one - as long as it stays here within the RSPB Minsmere reserve, it should have a comfortable time come the shooting season.
neil mp: Sizewell B Pressurised Water Reactor
neil mp: Sizewell Beach and North Sea in all its glorious brownth
neil mp: Sizewell Beach, April 2017 with the redundant Sizewell A nuclear power station cooling water rig, now a major nesting site for a colony of kittiwakes
neil mp: OMG! No ... please. Enough.
neil mp: Sizewell from Minsmere at Christmas
neil mp: South to Sizewell from Dunwich cliffs
neil mp: Sizewell A and B beyond WW2 defences on the dunes outside RSPB Minsmere
neil mp: RSPB Minsmere
neil mp: Sizewell A and B and a late afternoon burst of solar radiation over the South Levels, RSPB Minsmere, Suffolk