richard0428: The main trailhead for Mount Nanhuda, at Siyuan Yakou, on route 7, at the border between Yilan and Taizhong Counties
richard0428: The detour around another wiped-out section of the old track begins with this ladder
richard0428: Parts of the old logging track leading to the trailhead for Mount Nanhuda have been wiped out by landslides, and present some slightly tricky problems early in the hike
richard0428: En route to the trailhead, on the old logging track
richard0428: The official trailhead for Mount Nanhuda, 6.8 kilometers (2 hours' walk) from the road down an old logging track,
richard0428: Yunling Hut, night one
richard0428: Post-sunset colors in the sky above a sea of clouds, seen from the toilet (!) at Yunling Hut, where we spent the first and third nights of the hike
richard0428: The Sacred Ridge and Mount Dabajianshan, from the trail on the morning of day 2
richard0428: The summit of Mount Shenmazhen (審馬陣山, 3,141 meters), the first of the four peaks on our hike listed on the 'top 100' list
richard0428: First view of Mount Nanhuda, day 2
richard0428: On the trail above Shenmazhen Hut, day 2
richard0428: Trail towards Mount Nanhubei
richard0428: Mount Nanhubei (南湖北山, 3,536 meters, the second of the '100 peaks' on the walk)
richard0428: Trail towards Mount Nanhubei