For a few minutes after leaving the trailhead at Loving Mother Bridge, Jhuilu Old Trail follows the marble-strewn bed of a tributary stream before starting it's long climb skywards
The landslide area near the kilometer eight marker means a steep diversion up, round and down
One of the first stretches of Jhuilu Old Trail to be cut into the cliff face lies just over an hour's hike from Loving Mother Bridge
The most famous stretch of Jhuilu Old Trail is an hour or two further on, but it's already impressive here, with several short stretches cut into the cliff face
Looking down (nearly 500 meters to the river below!)
On Jhuilu Old Trail, Taroko Gorge, Taiwan
The most famous stretch of Taroko Gorge's magnificent Juilu Old Trail is this 500 meter-long stretch cut into a sheer cliff face, nearly 500 meters above the river!
This suspension bridge crosses a very deep tributary of the Liwu River, about 30 minutes before the end of the hike
The suspension bridge across the river at Swallows' Grotto marks the trailhead or, for us, the end of the walk
At the end of the hike: tired but happy!