amymaxmen: high altitude algae
amymaxmen: gone fishing
amymaxmen: fuzzy branches 2
amymaxmen: fuzzy branches
amymaxmen: fur coated fly
amymaxmen: fruticose and foliose
amymaxmen: floral vortex
amymaxmen: floral vortex 2
amymaxmen: feathery
amymaxmen: common haircap
amymaxmen: bumble bee bars
amymaxmen: bromeliad
amymaxmen: liverwort spores
amymaxmen: a fun guy
amymaxmen: slippery trail 3
amymaxmen: slippery trail 2
amymaxmen: laguna de iguaque
amymaxmen: tassled thallus
amymaxmen: busy day at the beach
amymaxmen: clouds rolled in 2
amymaxmen: iguaquecloudsrollin
amymaxmen: paramo in the late afternoon
amymaxmen: symmetrical even in death
amymaxmen: filamentous and encrusting
amymaxmen: cotton and wool
amymaxmen: lighthouse
amymaxmen: into alpine forest
amymaxmen: into alpine forest 2
amymaxmen: father and son
amymaxmen: clouds rolled in