Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-107.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-72.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Walled city remnant
Big Dataw Point: Butchers Hall
Big Dataw Point: Butchers Hall
Big Dataw Point: Town Hall
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-78.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Stadhuis - City Hall
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-79.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Guild Houses on Grote Markt
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-83.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Cathedral of Our Lady Nave
Big Dataw Point: Stained Glass Cathedral of Our Lady
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-89.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-90.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Rubens The Elevation of the Cross (1610)
Big Dataw Point: The Assumption of the Virgin
Big Dataw Point: Carved tryptych altar piece
Big Dataw Point: Tryptych Antwerp Cathedral
Big Dataw Point: The Assumption of the Virgin (1626) - Rubens
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-97.jpg
Big Dataw Point: Holland-Rivercruise-102.jpg
Big Dataw Point: The Descent from the Cross (Rubens)
Big Dataw Point: Entrance Cathedral of Our Lady
Big Dataw Point: Leopold II Warehouse
Big Dataw Point: Cathedral of Our Lady