Big Dataw Point:
Lily and Harry on porch swing
Big Dataw Point:
Lily on the porch Thanksgiving 2010
Big Dataw Point:
Tracy and Lily on the porch swing
Big Dataw Point:
Firefighter in training
Big Dataw Point:
Tracy and Lily at the Beaufort Waterfront Park
Big Dataw Point:
Tracy and Lily Fun on the Swings
Big Dataw Point:
Grandpa, Tracy and Lily at the Waterfront Playground
Big Dataw Point:
Thanksgiving morning at the Waterfront Park
Big Dataw Point:
Grandpa and Lily watching TV
Big Dataw Point:
Lily with sniffles and a new tooth coming in
Big Dataw Point:
Grandma thinks I am smart enough to do a puzzle
Big Dataw Point:
Lily not feeling too perky
Big Dataw Point:
Lily being comforted by Mommy