ottavia99: snail in my garden
ottavia99: buongiorno a tutti-good morning to all
ottavia99: celebrating autumn and it's reflections- celebriamo l'autunno e i suoi riflessi chi lo dice che l'autunno porta tristezza,ma guardiamoli bene questi colori autunnali e facciamo un bel coro viva l'autunno e i suoi meravigliosi colori
ottavia99: Structures
ottavia99: for you-per voi
ottavia99: tulips for you
ottavia99: rainbow at Niagara Falls
ottavia99: for all of you-per voi tutti
ottavia99: i am 70,tomorrow-domani sono 70enne
ottavia99: Happy wednesday my friends
ottavia99: a mother in distress in my daughter's pool- she goes go out,but they can't, so she goes back in my, son in low helps her to take them out soon they will be old to go on they own
ottavia99: from my garden to you- dal mio giardino a voi
ottavia99: for you my friends-per voi amici
ottavia99: from my garden to you-dal mio giardino a voi
ottavia99: today's choise for you-la scelta di oggi per voi
ottavia99: Today went with Judy, Gloria ,Tom. and Joe at James Garden
ottavia99: a purple hisbiscus for all my friends, have a great weekend
ottavia99: to all the women on Mother's Day
ottavia99: for you my friends,have a great thursday
ottavia99: from my garden to all of you- dal mio giardino a tutti voi
ottavia99: into the sun
ottavia99: to all my friends-per tutti voi amici
ottavia99: to a dear flickr friend (mskarim)61 yesterday
ottavia99: for you my1st flower in my garden-il primo fiore del mio giardino per voi
ottavia99: IMG_7284
ottavia99: dedicated to my flickr friend Jan on her engagement to Hal
ottavia99: today i went with my friend for a photo shoot
ottavia99: wishing you all a great weekend
ottavia99: a butterfly posing for me-wishing you all a great weekend
ottavia99: Happy thursday for you-felice giovedi a tutti