ottavia99: dec31st -la cena della vigilia,solo noi 3
ottavia99: finally i got you- finalmente l'ho pescato
ottavia99: good morning my friends-buon giorno amici
ottavia99: wishing you all a great weekend
ottavia99: Joe's latest creation,a very complicated table needs to be sanded and varnished
ottavia99: one more orange color un'altro colore arancione
ottavia99: Happy New Year 2014
ottavia99: from my garden to you-dal mio giardino a voi
ottavia99: Queens park-palazzo del parlamento dell' Ontario
ottavia99: Joe and Gloria having fun,you sure are my models,and free charge
ottavia99: created by nature, light bulbs on tomatoes sticks
ottavia99: this morning visitors the first one and the one on the bottom is the same B.Jay
ottavia99: Joe's new project . ,to keep busy in cold days
ottavia99: Easter Bread, traditional from Calabria made in Canada (cuculi or cuzzupe)
ottavia99: for you my friends- per voi amici have a happy sunday
ottavia99: beautiful snow in front of my house
ottavia99: Frozen Beauty, Ice storm de. 22-2013
ottavia99: painting display
ottavia99: Now what do you want?
ottavia99: 9-11
ottavia99: my rose for you-la mia rosa per voi
ottavia99: for my nephew Fausto Happy Birthday
ottavia99: una preghiera per tutti le persone che soffrono per tutte le sciagure che stanno succedendo
ottavia99: Me and my favourite toy
ottavia99: this morning's sunrise on the way home from the airport
ottavia99: tomorrow is Toronto's birthday
ottavia99: roses for you-rose per voi
ottavia99: dancing petals
ottavia99: the split
ottavia99: Arrivederci