ottavia99: fall colours
ottavia99: blufs
ottavia99: what's left of a flower
ottavia99: rain drops
ottavia99: mixed up weather
ottavia99: IMG_4841
ottavia99: autumn scene
ottavia99: leafs dance
ottavia99: A majestic tree
ottavia99: fall
ottavia99: Rainy day
ottavia99: rusty orange color of fall
ottavia99: purple flower
ottavia99: lost into the nature
ottavia99: fall beauty
ottavia99: ruin of Rome?
ottavia99: nice flower
ottavia99: park within a city
ottavia99: a building
ottavia99: benches do come handy
ottavia99: dancing swans
ottavia99: trail
ottavia99: IMG_4750
ottavia99: IMG_4749
ottavia99: fall
ottavia99: halloween
ottavia99: IMG_4742
ottavia99: rasberry
ottavia99: colors of fall
ottavia99: a nice tree