ottavia99: belfusto
ottavia99: IMG_4448
ottavia99: Pink flamingo
ottavia99: Belfusto at home
ottavia99: Belfusto fetching
ottavia99: chicken in Cuba
ottavia99: peacock in Cuba
ottavia99: Cuban cat
ottavia99: IMG_3662
ottavia99: IMG_3659
ottavia99: birds in winter time
ottavia99: Belfusto in his house
ottavia99: two chiken in Cuba
ottavia99: Belfusto climbing
ottavia99: gabbiani
ottavia99: Belfusto and friends
ottavia99: hungry pigeons
ottavia99: belfusto and a friendly cat
ottavia99: belfusto
ottavia99: first day out
ottavia99: stray cat in cyprus
ottavia99: birds of cyprus
ottavia99: hungry finch
ottavia99: belfusto came to visit
ottavia99: Belfusto on the chase
ottavia99: sweet hearts
ottavia99: a bird
ottavia99: street photography
ottavia99: chiccady at Mary's house
ottavia99: bird