pshan: My precious. 😀
pshan: I'm in the elevator
pshan: In the elevator
pshan: 镜子里的我
pshan: Distorted time and space
pshan: Merry Christmas to Flickr friends
pshan: Sony A7C + Nikon 58mm f1.2
pshan: Yashica T4 Super D
pshan: 全家福 Family Photo
pshan: My Pentax 67 !
pshan: 賓得六七
pshan: _DSC7215
pshan: My First Leica M2
pshan: My First Leica M2
pshan: My First Leica M2
pshan: My First Leica M2
pshan: My First Leica M2
pshan: My First Leica M2_Low Contrast
pshan: My Leica style, nothing special.
pshan: My Leica style, nothing special.
pshan: 百無一用是Leica╮(╯▽╰)╭
pshan: 最近拍這種自戀的片子有點多哎╮(╯▽╰)╭
pshan: _DSC7979
pshan: 黑甲蟲.
pshan: 重裝甲.
pshan: 年底送給同學父子的畫像
pshan: 一個屬於情懷的上午…… #LeicaM2 #minilux #portra400 #SONY #Walkman #RX1R #Michael #IPOD
pshan: 哈娜與M2
pshan: My Leica M2.
pshan: 斜眼看我的哈娜...