bbic: Nature
bbic: lights and shades
bbic: Autumn Sunshine
bbic: bright
bbic: Dancing on water...
bbic: Gulls
bbic: Sea-mews
bbic: Autumn Colours
bbic: The duck
bbic: Trees
bbic: In autumn
bbic: 088
bbic: Ziua Bucurestiului
bbic: Porumbel
bbic: the house of parliament
bbic: artesian well
bbic: bucuresti 073 - Copy
bbic: Leaf
bbic: Statuia Aviatorilor
bbic: fence
bbic: 003
bbic: Artesian well - Fantana arteziana
bbic: illuminate post
bbic: Bucuresti 108
bbic: magnolie 007 -
bbic: eyeful
bbic: white ...
bbic: stone in the archeological museum collection