blandford1969: A596 SECR at Tonbridge
blandford1969: 458 at Bricklayers Arms shed.
blandford1969: 78 at London Cannon Street
blandford1969: 0-6-0 10 at Canterbury West shed
blandford1969: 31770 brighton 30 3 53
blandford1969: SR 699 d1 0-4-4 withdrawn in Feb 48
blandford1969: SR 421 and 423 in a line following withdrawal after the South Eastern Electrification scheme of 1925
blandford1969: SR 412 and wagons at Norwood Yard
blandford1969: SR P class 556
blandford1969: SR 0-6-0 323 and at Folkestone Junction
blandford1969: SECR 4-4-0 (possibly 71) seen at Riddlesdown Viaduct on the Oxted line, with a down train.
blandford1969: SR J class 0-6-4 A596 approaching Sydenham Hill station from the north.
blandford1969: L 4-4-0 769 seen at Hastings