land girl: first view of the falls
land girl: wall of rock
land girl: river right angle
land girl: upper cliff trail
land girl: heading for the tower
land girl: the tower
land girl: velvet on the rocks
land girl: petting moss
land girl: basalt strips
land girl: wide and narrow basalt rock
land girl: looking up a wall of rock
land girl: inspiring canyon
land girl: looking back--upstream
land girl: mist rising from the thundering bowl
land girl: 'round the bend
land girl: rock cathedral
land girl: rock patting is irresistable!
land girl: looking over the edge
land girl: looking down on the falls
land girl: edge of the cascade
land girl: Palouse Falls campground
land girl: wedge of rock
land girl: visitors from Russia
land girl: joining a family of rocks
land girl: top of the world
land girl: looking over the cliff
land girl: close up
land girl: side trail
land girl: looking back at the family
land girl: family of rocks guarding the falls