elfieguy10: Front Plate Mold - Plaster curing
elfieguy10: Front Plate Mold - Plaster curing
elfieguy10: Front Plate Mold - Plaster curing
elfieguy10: Steel Armor Backplate - inside
elfieguy10: Steel Armor Backplate - outside
elfieguy10: Steel Armor Backplate - inside
elfieguy10: Steel Armor Backplate - outside
elfieguy10: Plaster Back Plate
elfieguy10: Plaster Back Plate
elfieguy10: Front and back plates
elfieguy10: Front and back plates
elfieguy10: Front and back plates
elfieguy10: Closeup
elfieguy10: Just checking the curve of the arm
elfieguy10: Bird's eye view
elfieguy10: Leveled off the bottom a bit
elfieguy10: It's like grout!!!
elfieguy10: Shaved off the first arm curve
elfieguy10: View from above
elfieguy10: Etching
elfieguy10: Etching
elfieguy10: Etching
elfieguy10: Breast Plate - The final product.
elfieguy10: Breast Plate - The final product.
elfieguy10: Breast Plate - The final product.
elfieguy10: Breast Plate - The final product.
elfieguy10: Back Plate
elfieguy10: Back Plate
elfieguy10: Back Plate
elfieguy10: Back Plate