ChaomeisterJ: amuse-bouche: Chorizo with tonic water
ChaomeisterJ: amuse-bouche: Jiaozi of prawns and moringa
ChaomeisterJ: amuse-bouche: Chickpea and cured sausage
ChaomeisterJ: amuse-bouche: Bitter Raspberry
ChaomeisterJ: amuse-bouche: Thuna and strawberry
ChaomeisterJ: 1st course: Beet root blood apple
ChaomeisterJ: 1st course: Cromlech, manioc (cassave root), and huitlacoche (corn smut)
ChaomeisterJ: 2nd course: Lobster "Sea and Garden"
ChaomeisterJ: 2nd course accompaniement: grilled zucchini
ChaomeisterJ: 3rd course: Ovo-lacto
ChaomeisterJ: 3rd course: Crab over seaweed rock and huitlacoche cover
ChaomeisterJ: 4th course: Monkfish with sea buckthorn
ChaomeisterJ: 4th course accompaniement: tempura
ChaomeisterJ: 4th course: White tuna with rhubarb
ChaomeisterJ: 5th course: Pigeon and seeds
ChaomeisterJ: 5th course accompaniement: Pigeon leg
ChaomeisterJ: 6th course: The Big Truffle
ChaomeisterJ: 6th course: The Big Truffle
ChaomeisterJ: 7th course: Black Lemon
ChaomeisterJ: 8th course: Assortment of Ice Cream
ChaomeisterJ: mignardises