VickerMonkee: Wildflowers
VickerMonkee: The poetry of the earth is never dead
VickerMonkee: Take My Hand...
VickerMonkee: Feels Like Home
VickerMonkee: Happy Thanksgiving
VickerMonkee: Vision: It reaches beyond the thing that is into the conception of what can be
VickerMonkee: Walking a slippery path
VickerMonkee: Shards of Shattered Sky
VickerMonkee: Out of the shadow...
VickerMonkee: If you put your nose really close you can almost smell them...
VickerMonkee: Make a wish...
VickerMonkee: Through the Iron Gates of Life
VickerMonkee: Bokeh shaker
VickerMonkee: In wildness is the preservation of the world
VickerMonkee: As far as Mondays go...
VickerMonkee: Frenchman's Bay
VickerMonkee: The miracles of nature do not seem miracles because they are so common
VickerMonkee: Butterfly in Blue
VickerMonkee: This is how I roll...
VickerMonkee: Jedediah.
VickerMonkee: This is the center of the universe at this moment...
VickerMonkee: Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering
VickerMonkee: ... to have faith is to have wings
VickerMonkee: Love still stands when all else has fallen
VickerMonkee: I'm beginning to think peace is something we made up to keep us from being satisfied with all this luscious chaos
VickerMonkee: 39 and holding...
VickerMonkee: We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are