magastrom: Canopy
magastrom: To the rescue
magastrom: Pollen
magastrom: The Great Egg Hunt
magastrom: Droplets
magastrom: Geranium
magastrom: Grey, yellow, orange
magastrom: Bastuholmen, early morning
magastrom: Oh, hi there
magastrom: Valpurgisnacht #5
magastrom: It's five minutes to twelve and we'd better hurry
magastrom: Late night washing
magastrom: The hum of traffic through an open window
magastrom: Stockholm Marathon
magastrom: Stockholm Marathon
magastrom: Red + blue
magastrom: Fountain run
magastrom: Fence, bush, sculpture
magastrom: Preparations
magastrom: Wheat
magastrom: Camouflage
magastrom: Concrete, wheat, sky