magastrom: Airing
magastrom: Carsen 135mm f2.8 test shot
magastrom: The hum of traffic through an open window
magastrom: Stockholm Marathon
magastrom: Stockholm Marathon
magastrom: Red + blue
magastrom: Fountain run
magastrom: Fence, bush, sculpture
magastrom: Wheat
magastrom: Camouflage
magastrom: Concrete, wheat, sky
magastrom: Fast Food
magastrom: Waiting for Obama
magastrom: Arrythmia
magastrom: Jerusalem artichokes
magastrom: Triangeln, Malmö
magastrom: Triangeln, Malmö
magastrom: Versace
magastrom: Room 411
magastrom: Tree House
magastrom: Walking home
magastrom: One month apart.
magastrom: Non-place #16
magastrom: Non-place #17: Congregation of verticals
magastrom: Dead end
magastrom: Non-place #18: Loop