not calvin: BNSF 7291, H-LAUCAS1-27
not calvin: the 3 B's
not calvin: BNSF 6022 souith, H-CASLIN1-27
not calvin: BNSF 5216 south, H-LAUDEN1-27
not calvin: BNSF 7595, H-DENLAU1-27
not calvin: CP 8553 9559, U-SWEFTC1-25
not calvin: bnsf 9207
not calvin: BNSF 9469
not calvin: P7110095
not calvin: 1999 BNSF Santa Train
not calvin: BNSF 5621 at Belmont, Nebraska
not calvin: Changing a Tire?
not calvin: Deadwood or no wood
not calvin: Casper Sub Coal Action
not calvin: M-DENBIL at Pedro
not calvin: Empty on the Valley City Bridge
not calvin: Loaded SUD on the Valley City Bridge
not calvin: Along the south end of the lake
not calvin: Q-DENTAC north of Greybull
not calvin: H-PASKCK
not calvin: M-EDGDEN1-13
not calvin: M-DENPVO
not calvin: BIg Sioux River - Sioux Falls
not calvin: BNSF Sioux Falls
not calvin: L-TWI....BNSF 1510 Crooks, South Dakota
not calvin: H-EDGKCK4-10
not calvin: H-KCKPAS1-31 horsepower
not calvin: H-PASSAG1-15
not calvin: C-CDMKCL0-13 mp 502
not calvin: E-KCMBKM0-11