wookieelocks: #Marvel must be holding back #Loki's true, evil, Hulk-inducing plan for another movie: asking someone to piece together #Hulk's likeness in a #quilt block. #amisewingorjustrippingoutseams? #quilterSMASH! #lego #breatheinbreatheout
wookieelocks: Can you tell who's next? #marvel #lego #paperpiecing
wookieelocks: Iron Man
wookieelocks: "Grape Soda" :-) #paperpiecing See the bubbles in the soda? Ahh, #socute #ifidosaysomyself...
wookieelocks: For @cherjewk :-) Teeny #paperpiecing! The arm of the little machine got kinda cramped but hey, first time... lol.