dglenn: Landing
dglenn: Glide
dglenn: Yet Another Bird
dglenn: Not A Frog
dglenn: Another Bird In Flight
dglenn: Yet Another Bird
dglenn: Memorial Day Weekend Birds 2008
dglenn: Yet Another Bird
dglenn: Takeoff
dglenn: Fasten Seat Belts...
dglenn: And Return Tray Tables To Their Upright Positions
dglenn: Spotlight
dglenn: Soliloquy
dglenn: Markings
dglenn: Playing In Traffic
dglenn: bird practice 20080607-4
dglenn: bird practice 20080607-3
dglenn: bird practice 20080607-2
dglenn: bird practice 20080607-1
dglenn: Mine. Mine. Mine.
dglenn: Liftoff
dglenn: This Worked In Rehearsal...
dglenn: Not Parking, Just Standing Here
dglenn: Ground Effect
dglenn: Porch Bird
dglenn: Is It Watching Me?
dglenn: Overhead Passerby
dglenn: Overexposed Overhead
dglenn: Bird1954
dglenn: Bird1955