Charleston's TheDigitel: Puppy on the runway
Charleston's TheDigitel: Models on the runway
Charleston's TheDigitel: Omfg #chsfw big fail on my onesie and trying to go the bathroom! Not as bad as my McQ bathing suit yesterday
Charleston's TheDigitel: Swapnali #chsfw just got some food delivered to torch! She looks amazing in her own designs
Charleston's TheDigitel: can't get into torch!!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Billy Reid - instant vintage
Charleston's TheDigitel: more Billy R- couple!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Why did I not find Billy Reid before
Charleston's TheDigitel: Billy Reid=amazing!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny rocks the runway...again!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny part 5
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny part 3
Charleston's TheDigitel: copper penny Part 5 - whew!
Charleston's TheDigitel: more Penny fashion
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny- great show!
Charleston's TheDigitel: Copper Penny definitely exuded Chas. Style!
Charleston's TheDigitel: all models from 2 Brunettes
Charleston's TheDigitel: II Brunettes - *cough* Katie Kern *cough*
Charleston's TheDigitel: now even more 2 Brunettes...
Charleston's TheDigitel: more 2 Brunettes
Charleston's TheDigitel: it must be the best show tonight... 2 Brunettes!
Charleston's TheDigitel: II Brunettes
Charleston's TheDigitel: Katie Kern Katie Kern KATIE motherlovin' KERN! For II Brunettes ofcourse
Charleston's TheDigitel: Ayoka Lucas and her buds, Jefferey and Margaret
Charleston's TheDigitel: Mary Porter...beautiful, elegant!