ndbekah: Pulling it together
ndbekah: HDI
ndbekah: GDP per capita
ndbekah: % less than $ a day
ndbekah: Homemade infographic, GDP per capita
ndbekah: Homemade infographic, literacy rate
ndbekah: Homemade infographic, HDI (no sticks)
ndbekah: Homemade infographic, HDI
ndbekah: Homemade infographic, life expectancy
ndbekah: Playing
ndbekah: Researching HDI
ndbekah: Researching life expectancy rate
ndbekah: GDP per capita box
ndbekah: Making the infographic
ndbekah: GDP per capita
ndbekah: playing in humanties
ndbekah: GDP per capita
ndbekah: GDP per capita
ndbekah: IMG_1444
ndbekah: HDI
ndbekah: Literacy Rate (women on the left, men on the right)
ndbekah: HDI
ndbekah: Life Expectancy in Balloons