arlenekoziol: Motorboat pulling the 3000 dugout Canoe being held steady by Divers
arlenekoziol: Scuba Divers Steadying the Ancient Canoe in Breezy Wind Conditions
arlenekoziol: 3000 year old canoe carefully being transported
arlenekoziol: 3000 year old canoe being transported at 2mph
arlenekoziol: Landing at Spring Harbor Beach
arlenekoziol: Ho-Chunk & Bad River Tribe citizens Assist with the Recovery
arlenekoziol: Landing at Spring Harbor Beach
arlenekoziol: Landing at Spring Harbor Beach
arlenekoziol: Jim Skibo, WI State Archeologist, Thumbs Up!
arlenekoziol: Divers Carefully bringing 3000 year old Canoe to Shore
arlenekoziol: 3000 year old Canoe Safely on Shore
arlenekoziol: Dozens of People Gathered for a Look at the Canoe
arlenekoziol: Marlon WhiteEagle, Ho-Chunk Nation President, Casey Brown, spokesperson for the Ho-Chunk Nation,Bill Quackenbush, tribal historic preservation officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation
arlenekoziol: Crowd and Press witnessing the 3000 year-old canoe recovery.
arlenekoziol: Ho-Chunk Nation and Bad River Tribe Citizens
arlenekoziol: Ho-Chunk Nation and Bad River Tribe citizens
arlenekoziol: Ho-Chunk Nation and Bad River Tribe citizens
arlenekoziol: Bill Quackenbush, tribal historic preservation officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation
arlenekoziol: Casey Brown, spokesperson for the Ho-Chunk Nation,Bill Quackenbush, tribal historic preservation officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation
arlenekoziol: Casey Brown, spokesperson for the Ho-Chunk Nation,Bill Quackenbush, tribal historic preservation officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation
arlenekoziol: Casey Brown, spokesperson for the Ho-Chunk Nation
arlenekoziol: Marlon WhiteEagle, Ho-Chunk Nation President Addresses the Dive Recovery Team
arlenekoziol: Tamara Thomsen & Marlon WhiteEagle Shaking Hands
arlenekoziol: Tamara Thomsen shaking hands the Christian Overland, Director & CEO WI Historical Society
arlenekoziol: Dr James Skibo fist bumps Tamara Thomsen
arlenekoziol: Tamara Thomsen Maritime Archeologist, WI State Historical Society with Dive Crew
arlenekoziol: 3000 year old Canoe Recovery Team, Lake Mendota
arlenekoziol: Divers returning to Boat
arlenekoziol: Divers returning to Boat