arlenekoziol: Audubon Goose Pond Sign
arlenekoziol: Fields of Gold Seed Harvest
arlenekoziol: Graham Steinhauer
arlenekoziol: Tanner Pettit Harvesting Seeds
arlenekoziol: Balin-Harvesting Seeds
arlenekoziol: View of the Wetland Scrapes from Browne Praire
arlenekoziol: Young Ring-necked Pheasant,by Jeff Koziol
arlenekoziol: Great Egret Landing
arlenekoziol: Bumblebee nectaring on a Sunflower
arlenekoziol: Elderberry
arlenekoziol: Elderberry umbrella Clump
arlenekoziol: Dogwood Berries
arlenekoziol: Coneflower Seed heads/Prairie Dropseed
arlenekoziol: Old Field Thistle
arlenekoziol: Old Field Thistle
arlenekoziol: Old Field Thistle-Bumble bee & Aphids
arlenekoziol: Dried up Wetland, MAS Goose Pond