arlenekoziol: Jack & Charlie's Little Pass
arlenekoziol: White Pelican Landing
arlenekoziol: Brown Pelican in Flight
arlenekoziol: Brown Pelican Carrying Nesting Material
arlenekoziol: Osprey with Lookdown Fish in it's Talons
arlenekoziol: Sibling Ospreys in Flight with Talons Extended
arlenekoziol: Juv. Black Skimmer Begging
arlenekoziol: Black Skimmer in Flight
arlenekoziol: Roseate Spoonbill Profile in Flight
arlenekoziol: Roseate Spoonbill Trio
arlenekoziol: Roseate Spoonbill with Nesting Material
arlenekoziol: Tri-colored Heron Landing
arlenekoziol: American White Pelicans Preening
arlenekoziol: Ghost Crabs Fighting
arlenekoziol: Success!
arlenekoziol: American Oystercatcher in Flight
arlenekoziol: American Oystercatcher Profile
arlenekoziol: Boca Grande Sunset with Shorebirds
arlenekoziol: Great Blue Heron attacking Juv. Reddish-Egrets
arlenekoziol: Reddish Egret-Courtship-Stick Presentation
arlenekoziol: Juv. Reddish Egrets - Version 2
arlenekoziol: Bath time!
arlenekoziol: Bald Eagle-Aggressive Posture
arlenekoziol: Ascent!
arlenekoziol: West Indian Manatee
arlenekoziol: White Ibis Running from Wave
arlenekoziol: White Ibis
arlenekoziol: Black Skimmer in Flight
arlenekoziol: White Pelican Landing into the Wind