arlenekoziol: Mark Martin giving instructions to volunteers
arlenekoziol: It is easier to net Monarchs when they are nectaring
arlenekoziol: The Monarch is carefully taken out of the net.
arlenekoziol: the tag is placed over the large, mitten shaped cell (discal cell) on the underside of the hindwing of the monarch.
arlenekoziol: "The discal cell position is closer to the center of lift and gravity for the butterfly and will not impede flight. More importantly, this tagging method appears to be less harmful to the butterflies." Monarch watch,org
arlenekoziol: Waiting for the Monarch to land.
arlenekoziol: Happy Capture!
arlenekoziol: Monarch Release
arlenekoziol: Monarch Release
arlenekoziol: Note the two pheromone sacs on the lower half of the wings. This indicates this Monarch is a male.
arlenekoziol: Stiff Gentian
arlenekoziol: Monarch Tagging
arlenekoziol: The "Maestro" returning with a Monarch
arlenekoziol: Off to Mexico!
arlenekoziol: Returning from the Tall Grass Prairie with a Monarch
arlenekoziol: Applying gentle ,firm pressure to adhere tag
arlenekoziol: Monarchs are attracted to Liatris
arlenekoziol: Monarchs are attracted to Liatris
arlenekoziol: Returning with a Monarch
arlenekoziol: Male Monarch release
arlenekoziol: Seaching for Monarchs in the Tall Grass Prairie
arlenekoziol: Monarchs Nectaring on Liatris
arlenekoziol: Capturing a Monarch with a butterfly net
arlenekoziol: Bringing a Monarch in for Tagging
arlenekoziol: Applying a tag to a Monarch
arlenekoziol: Releasing a Monarch-Have a Safe Journey!
arlenekoziol: Linda Pils searching for Monarchs
arlenekoziol: Badger Hole