arlenekoziol: Brown Jay, Psilorhinus morio
arlenekoziol: Brown Jay, Psilorhinus morio
arlenekoziol: Bare-throated Tiger Heron, Tigrisoma mexicanum
arlenekoziol: Great Curassow, Female Rufous Morph,Crax rubra
arlenekoziol: Great Curassow, Female Rufous Morph,Crax rubra
arlenekoziol: Roadside Hawk, Rupornis magnirostris
arlenekoziol: Roadside Hawk, Rupornis magnirostris
arlenekoziol: Squirrel Cuckoo, Piaya cayana
arlenekoziol: Northern Pooto, Nyctibius jamaicensis
arlenekoziol: Spectacled Owl, Pulsatrix perspicillata
arlenekoziol: Spectacled Owl, Pulsatrix perspicillata
arlenekoziol: Black and White Owl, Strix nigrolineata
arlenekoziol: Black and White Owl, Strix nigrolineata
arlenekoziol: Vermiculated Screech Owl, Megascops vermiculatus
arlenekoziol: Yucatan Nightjar, Antrostomus badius
arlenekoziol: Ocellated Turkey, Meleagris ocellata
arlenekoziol: Ocellated Turkey, Meleagris ocellata
arlenekoziol: Ocellated Turkey,Meleagris ocellata, feather Detail
arlenekoziol: Ocellated Turkey,Meleagris ocellata, Gobbling
arlenekoziol: Ocellated Turkey,Meleagris ocellata, Profile
arlenekoziol: Ornate-hawk Eagle, Spizaetus ornatus
arlenekoziol: Ornate Hawk-eagle,Spizaetus ornatus, nest
arlenekoziol: Ornate-hawk Eagle,Spizaetus ornatus, Nest Tree
arlenekoziol: Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Melanerpes pucherani
arlenekoziol: Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Melanerpes pucherani
arlenekoziol: Red-lored Amazon Parrots, Amazona autumnalis
arlenekoziol: White-whiskered Puffbird, (Malacoptila panamensis
arlenekoziol: Blue-black Grosbeak, Volatinia jacarina
arlenekoziol: Slaty-tailed Trogan, Trogon massena
arlenekoziol: Violacious Trogan, Trogon violaceus